Sunday 28 June 2015

The police or the Police?

Policemen in the Netherlands are planning actions to draw attention to the fact that they have been without a Collective Labor Agreement for some time now. Without a what? Never mind. Let us assume that it is a perfectly good reason to become active. Now, what could policemen do to get the attention of their boss, the Minister of Safety and Justice? I have got a splendid idea. What about catching the thieves, burglars, murderers and the like, that are still at large? Or that are again on the run? You see, every now and then convicted criminals are allowed a taste of life outside the prison-walls. Kind of preparing them for their return into society. And guess what, they tend to run away during their trial leave. How surprising. Not.

Well that is not what is going to happen. I mean, do what the public expect them to do, catching criminals. Nope, our 'boys in blue' had a brain-storm, or brain-wash I think would be the right noun, and decided to inspect the 'Tour de France'. Or more in particular, the vehicles that follow the cyclists. Mobile laboratories and such. Can they do that one may ask? Yes they can, because this year the Tour de France starts in the Netherlands. A bit confusing I know but not uncommon. The 'Giro d'Italia' for instance starts in Apeldoorn in 2016. How logical is that? It is not.

Now, Dutch policemen are used to french residents traveling to the Netherlands to get their taste of the renowned Dutch hallucinogenic substances. They have seen them crossing the border for ages. Bring out the sniffer-dogs I would say. Just a bit of retraining would do the job to sniff out every performance enhancing drug stashed away anywhere in the marketing caravan. It would be good for the image of the Tour at the same time too. For the first time in history the Tour would be really clean. My guess thus is that these 'active' policemen will be welcomed with open arms. Surely by the organization.

Whether we, the public, will be aware of any action taking place remains to be seen. Policemen may control a lot, but what will or will not be broadcast, is beyond the reach of the long arm of the law. Even when extended by a baseball-glove on a selfie-stick.

Do not despair though as I have a cunning plan for the organizing committee of the Tour de France to beat the Dutch Police to it, and have some police action that will be well worth broadcasting. 

Make a phone-call to Sting and his buddies and persuade them to perform on the Erasmus Bridge in Rotterdam. I guarantee that the public will definitely prefer the English trio to the entire Dutch police force. I for one would...

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