Sunday 21 June 2015


It is almost a month since Nepal was rocked by a massive earthquake. Rumor has it that is was caused by a bunch of idiots who thought it was funny to have their bare asses photographed on Everest, a holy mountain to the Nepalese people. Although I sympathize with the Nepalese, I do not think that there is a relation. between one event and the other. For one, because it took the gods rather a long time to make up their minds and act on it. And like training a dog, or cat, it does not make sense to whack a dog a couple of days after it misbehaved. Neither to the dog. I like to believe that people react similarly. Kids do. 

Or should gas extraction be considered an attributing factor? After all, Dutchies know from the ongoing rumble in the north-eastern part of the Netherlands that there is a direct relation between gas-extraction and earthquakes. Well, with the exception of the NAM, that are still in denial. Regrettably, I have to rule it out as a cause of the recent disaster. Because no natural gas has been found in the Himalaya, bar the occasional fart resulting from improperly digested butter-tea. Yak. I therefore think that I have to resort to scientists and see if they can come up with a plausible theory. As a matter of fact, they can. It has something to do with shifting tectonic plates and such. More precisely with the fact that India is slowly swept under the carpet, or in this case the Himalaya, meanwhile pushing the Himalaya up. Do not be surprised when Sir Edmund Hillary happens to have climbed 9000 m to reach the summit of Mount Everest, rather than the meager 8848 m we thought before. His star continues to rise, literally. 
Still, the story about the gods being pissed-off is more appealing to me. It leaves room for the imagination. Like, maybe the gods were totally aghast by the demonstration of such denseness and forgot to teach them a lesson right there and then. Or they just were asleep and only saw the event in the evening news.

I think that we, Dutchies should consider ourselves lucky that there are no mountains in the Netherlands. Mind you, the highest elevation that we have resembles a mole hill rather than a mountain. No need for them bare asses to come over here and defy the gods. Nope. Bugger off. We have a hard enough time dealing with the NAM...

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