Sunday 2 August 2015

3 strikes: out

Although it may seem surreal to many people, it will come true in the Netherlands. The police will be on strike during the coming weeks. Of course not every day. No, they plan their actions around the start of the Dutch football competition. How convenient is that? Personally I could not give a rat's ass whether Dutch football teams are let loose in the stadiums or not. But because football is claimed to be the sport of the masses I gather many do. Supporters of the various clubs in particular are not pleased at all. I do kind of sympathize with them. I mean, why should the Dutch 'John Doe', 'Henk', suffer from a quarrel between the Minister of Justice and the Police? Nope, me neither. And it is a pity we do not live in the US. The Police there maintain, I would say, a near zero tolerance policy. '3 strikes and your out'. Well, actually you are in because you are sent to prison. That would solve the problem rapidly I predict. Every cop spotted participating in a strike action for the third time would be kicked out of the police force. Upholding their own policy no matter what. Unfair? I do not think so. Every police person can go on strike twice. Ample opportunity to express their displeasure with the current situation. And they are better of than criminals who have to live by the same policy too.

Football hooligans, bar the odd real lover of the sport, are not as stupid as they look it seams. Lucky for them. They have come up with a cunning plan. Because several matches will not take place, due to striking policemen, football hooligans have nothing else to do. Not that strange, as their lives revolve around football. And when there are no matches played, their lives consequently come to a grinding halt. The weather is forecast to be lovely, so what can be a better thing to undertake then invite the supporters of the scheduled opponent for a beer on the terraces in the center of town. Of course, it is possible that these gatherings will be held in a friendly atmosphere and camaraderie. But let us be honest, the odds are a bit against a positive outcome. I personally estimate the probability as high as that of pink elephants falling from the sky. Nil, because Dombo is grey.

I am afraid that our poor policemen will be forced to attend these gatherings whether they like it or not, and can thus no longer be on strike.  

I do have a question for the supporters though.

"Would it be possible to organize these so called 'Dutch beer parties' on a Friday evening please?" Why? Well, with the matches that were planned to take place on Sunday cancelled and the police being on strike that day, no overtime has to be paid. Or double overtime as it would have been a weekend day...

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