Sunday 3 May 2015

Kings-day, not

Although our king has been around for a while, actually since 30 April 2013, it still feels a bit odd to talk about kings-day. Old habits die hard and we have been having a queen for as long as I can remember. And nope, I have not got Alzheimer's... I therefore propose to stick to queens-day so the subordinates at least have something that stays the same in their lives. A bit of stability. Well, apart from having to pay taxes and the fact that you will die. 
Coming to think of it, the latter is not that certain anymore. When you are willing to pay for it, you can be kept in a freezer till science has figured out how to bring you back to life. How cool is that? But I am diverting from the subject. Queens-day it is then. I think it is also a better name because it reminds us of Maxima, our queen. And I must admit, I would rather have an image of her sticking in my mind than that of 'king pils'. But that is just a matter 
of taste. It would also open up a whole new way of celebrating this national holiday. Provided that we also adopt Maxima's birthday, 17 May, to celebrate. Temperatures are bound to be nicer than at the end of April. Barbequing, one of the favorite past times of the Argentinian can be done without have to thaw oneself, besides the meat. Dancing the tango will replace hopping around on clogs. Much more elegant. And a lot less noisy, let me tell you that. Once gave a couple with twins a pair of clogs for each kid. They loved it. The kids that is. Being only two years old they could produce as much noise as an entire platoon. Thanks to the tile floor in the house. Never got invited a second time though. I wonder why? 
'King pils' would enjoy it enormously. Rather than having to throw toilet bowls, he could have a go with the bolas. Traditionally used by the gaucho to get some meat on the table but equally handy to prevent your kids from straying to far. A word of advice though. Practice a little before actually applying the bolas in real life. It may not only be beneficial for your fellow civilians but also prevents you from getting your bolas in a twist. Let me provide a little help.
To stay on topic, the question to ask is "who has got the bolas to propose the return of queens-day?" I am all in favor...


1 comment:

  1. me too! if only because the song 'oranje boven, leve de koning, does not sound right!
